Multifocal Lens

Multifocal Lens

Patient-Centered Care | Shorter Wait Times | Quick Surgery Scheduling

Patient-Centered Care
Shorter Wait Times
Quick Surgery Scheduling

Multifocal Lens

Patient-Centered Care | Shorter Wait Times | Quick Surgery Scheduling

Patient-Centered Care
Shorter Wait Times
Quick Surgery Scheduling

Patient-Centered Care | Shorter Wait Times | Quick Surgery Scheduling

Patient-Centered Care | Shorter Wait Times | Quick Surgery Scheduling

Patient-Centered Care | Shorter Wait Times | Quick Surgery Scheduling


Cataracts are a condition in which the lens of the eye becomes cloudy, commonly caused by protein build up. The cloudiness makes it difficult for light to focus on the eye. The result is hazy vision and other visual disturbances. At present, the only way to treat a cataract is to remove it surgically and replace it with an artificial lens.

Cataract surgery is one of the most common and most successful eye surgeries performed in the United States today. For an experienced ophthalmologist like Dr. Mark Cassol, the surgery is routine. Dr. Cassol performs hundreds of them every year and has successfully completed over 10,000 cataract surgeries. 

Replacing the Natural Lens

Once the original lens is removed, the eye will no longer have the ability to focus light clearly and must be replaced. In the past, lens implants used in cataract surgery have been Monofocal lenses, which requires the use of contact lenses or prescription glasses to correct your vision after surgery. If you have cataracts, we can now replace the lens with a Multifocal lens. The intraocular lens remains in place inside the eye indefinitely. Implantable intraocular lenses offer the convenience of not having to rely on glasses or contact lenses.

Benefits of a Multifocal IOL (Intraocular Lens)

A Multifocal lens implant allows patients to see objects clearly at near, intermediate, and far. The lens uses special technologies to distribute light. As a result, patients are often freed from having to use glasses or contacts at all.

Who is a Good Candidate for the Multifocal Lens?

Dr. Mark Cassol performs hundreds of lens procedures each year. However, your candidacy for any particular lens will be determined with an extensive screening exam done at your initial evaluation. For the best results, Dr. Cassol will determine which of the new technology lenses is the best for your individual case. 

We are proud to offer TWO Multifocal lenses - AcrySof IQ PanOptix Trifocal Multifocal & AcrySof IQ Vivity Multifocal.

Not All Multifocal Lenses Are Created Equal

First & Only FDA-Approved Trifocal Multifocal Lens for Cataract Surgery in the US

Dr. Cassol is proud to offer patients the AcrySof IQ PanOptix Trifocal Multifocal. 
This lens allows for vision quality at all distances, providing 20/20 near, 20/20 intermediate, and 20/20 distance. 

The ENLIGHTEN optical technology optimizes intermediate vision without compromising near and distance vision. The PanOptix Lens focuses light at 16 inches, 24 inches, and distance without providing "hot spots" or clearer spots of vision. It allows for clear, crisp vision at a full range of vision.

National data collected at 6 month POs showed a 99.2% patient satisfaction rate. Therefore, 99.2% of patients would have had the same lens implanted again.

Schedule a Cataract Consultation today!

Dr. Mark Cassol has performed over ten-thousand cataract removals!
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